Nigerian passport moves 10 times up worldwide ranking, with visa free access to 43 countries

Nigerian passport moves 10 times up worldwide ranking, with visa free access to 43 countries

The Nigerian passport has moved ten times up in the world ranking making it to the 90th position globally. According to Henley Passport Index, although the Nigerian passport has moved ten times up in the world rankings, it is still considered the worst.

Nigerian passport moves 10 times up worldwide ranking, with visa free access to 43 countries

Nigerian passport. Photo source: Google From the new reports released, the Nigerian passport is now ranked 90th globally, an improvement from the 100th spot in the same period in 2022. The Henley Passport Index has also published some 43 countries Nigerians can travel to with visas. They include; Benin Burkina Faso Cameroun Cabo Verde Chad Comoros Côte d’Ivoire Djibouti Ethiopia The Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Madagascar Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mozambique * Niger Rwanda São Tomé and Príncipe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia Togo Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Iran Kyrgyzstan Maldives T imor-Leste Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Dominica Fiji Haiti Saint Kitts and Nevis Suriname Fiji Micronesia Tuvalu Vanuatu

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