I’m getting older I want my face tatoos off – Says Birdman

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we bring you the latest gist in the lifestyle scene.

Rapper Birdman wants to remove face tatoo as he says he’s getting older

Nipsey Hussle’s wife Lauren London makes first Instagram post since husbands death.

Yvonne nelson vias to sue any reporter who writes ill about her daughter

Tonto dike gets angry and wishes she could collect back her money from debts she helped offset out of a kind heart.

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Burna Boy Disagrees With The #EndSars Campaign

Welcome to Nigezie Extreme Entertainment News!

Burna Boy disagrees with current online #Endsars protest.

Says the best way to make this protest have any impact is to fight a real fight.

Nipsey Hussle’s killer arrested!

See.. also why Jennifer Lopez has just been sued.

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NASA Wants to Humans to Reach Mars by 2033

NASA has made it clear they want astronauts back on the Moon in 2024, and now, they are zeroing in on the Red Planet – the US space agency confirmed that it wants humans to reach Mars by 2033.

Jim Bridenstine, NASA’s administrator, said Tuesday that in order to achieve that goal, other parts of the program – including a lunar landing – need to move forward more quickly.

“We want to achieve a Mars landing in 2033,” Bridenstine told lawmakers at a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill.

“We can move up the Mars landing by moving up the Moon landing. The Moon is the proving ground,” added the former Republican congressman, who was appointed by President Donald Trump.

NASA is racing to enact the plans of Trump, who dispatched Vice President Mike Pence to announce that the timetable for once again putting man on the Moon had been cut by four years to 2024.

The new date is politically significant: it would be the final year in Trump’s eventual second term at the White House.

Mick Schumacher Tests with Ferrari in Bahrain

Mick Schumacher, son of seven times world champion Michael, made his Formula One test debut with Ferrari on Tuesday at the Bahrain circuit, where 15 years ago his father won the first grand prix in the Middle East.

The 20-year-old European F3 champion made his Formula Two debut at the Sakhir circuit over the weekend, finishing eighth and sixth in the two races.,/blockquote>

The German, whose father won the Bahrain Grand Prix from pole position in a Ferrari one-two on April 4, 2004, will also test with the Ferrari-powered Alfa Romeo team (formerly Sauber)on Wednesday.